Google Chrome 102 Released With New Updates

Google released new updates and features for its web browser i.e google Chrome. Chrome 102 is now available for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Chrome OS 

Manage the tab with the keyboard shortcut now. To move active tab, just hold down Control + Shift + Page Up or Page Down

In Chrome 102, open the files on your computer through web apps. The Web applications now supports for handling files

A better navigation or smoother transition between pages throughout the web apps is now possible with chrome 102

Use google lens on desktop in completely new and different way. Instead of opening a new tab to perform a search, you’ll be able to use Lens on the same page in your Chrome browser 

Google Chrome 102 adds a new feature that allows you to control a presentation from a separate tab.

A new 'Tab groups' feature will allow you to group together browser tabs, give them a name and a color, and even collapse them to save RAM on your PC.

Chrome 102 adds a property named AudioContext.output latency that estimates the time of audio output latency. Its basically for audio/video synchronization 

Google Chrome 102 also made 3 changes to secure payment confirmation API and improvements to windows control for web apps