Best Amazon Book Publishing Course in 2023

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Book publishing on Amazon in today’s digital age has never been easier. With Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), anyone can publish their book through their Kindle eBook platform, which allows authors to reach readers all over the world with easy-to-use marketing tools.

If you want to know how to become an Amazon bestseller and build an online business by publishing books, then you need to learn about publishing with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). After all, KDP is the perfect way to publish your book on Amazon without going through any of the hassles of traditional book publishing.

Not only that, but it’s actually easier and faster than many people think!

What is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?

When self-publishing an ebook, it’s important to have access to as many distribution platforms as possible. Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a direct publishing platform that allows you to upload your ebooks and make them available on Amazon in different countries.

Best Amazon Book Publishing course

Amazon Book Publishing course is a comprehensive guide to help new authors who are looking to publish their books on Amazon. You will learn step-by-step ​How to Find Highly Profitable Niches on Amazon, Keyword Research, set up your KDP account, create a book, and get it live on Amazon’s online bookstore in minutes.

Master Amazon Book Publishing

Whether you have never published anything before or have published several books, there is something for everyone in the online course.

The course covers everything from picking a niche that’s profitable, writing your book, getting Amazon keywords, Find Professional Ghostwriters That Will Write Your Book, How To Avoid Violating Trademarks plus lots more! Your complete guide to getting your book onto Amazon quickly and effortlessly!

What Is Included in the course?

Stefan James created this brand new program (course) called “Mastering Book Publishing”, where he’ll show you step-by-step how to ethically make money by publishing books on Amazon. The course is about making passive income by publishing books on amazon.

The course is divided into 5 modules.

Module 1: Strategy

In the first module of Amazon book publishing or kindle publishing, Stefan will reveal the strategy of publishing profitable books on Amazon.

He will teach the steps to build an online business from scratch with Amazon publishing.

Module 2: Selecting a profitable niche

In the second module, Stefan will give a lesson about how amazon publishing works and you will Discover The Most Effective Way To Find High Demand Book Niches And Keywords To Target On Amazon.

Module 3: Create a Quality book

In the third module, Stefan will teach how to create a quality ebook to sell on amazon and how to create eye catchy cover of the book.

Even if you are not a writer or author, he will help you Find Professional Ghostwriters That Will Write Your Book For You.

You’ll Learn How To Protect You And Your Business From Legal Problems That Arise From Using Trademarks In Your Books.

Module 4: Launching book

Learn More!

Once you will create a book, Now is the time to launch it on kindle direct publishing. in this module, he will teach you The Process Of Setting Up Your KDP Account And Publishing Your Very First Kindle And Paperback Book.

He will make you the master of Book launching.

Module 5: Marketing book

The people do so much hard work to write a book but they don’t know how to promote the book. In this last module, Stefan will teach his marketing strategy.

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You will discover How To Scale Your Profits With Amazon Ad Campaigns and reach the top of Amazon rankings.

How to publish a book on Amazon

Amazon Kindle is an online book store that offers an easy and free way to self-publish your book to thousands of customers. If you want to publish a book, you’ll want to do it through Amazon. You don’t need any publishing experience or knowledge of HTML or CSS coding; in fact, there are no skills required at all!

You just need access to a computer with an internet connection (laptop, desktop, tablet) and a willingness to follow some simple steps. This guide will walk you through every step from start to finish, and within 24 hours you could be making money off your book!

But do remember to join the above course for clarity. Stefan will walk you through the whole process of kindle publishing. 

1. Identify your book genre

The easiest way to do this is by asking yourself What topics interest me? Do I know anything about those topics? Can I find information anywhere about those topics? For example, if you enjoy writing cooking recipes, maybe you should consider writing a cookbook.

2. Amazon KDP

Completing an Amazon KDP profile and uploading your file to Amazon KDP. Once you do that, you’ll be able to sell your book for free or as much as $10 with royalty options available as well. It’s pretty easy overall and many make extra income from their self-published books! So why not give it a try? Sign up for KDP.

Master Amazon Book Publishing

To know how to sign-up for a KDP account click here to join the course of Amazon book publishing.

3. Create Ebook Cover & Book Details

Don’t forget to create an attractive book cover to upload to your Kindle publishing account. Upload the cover that will grab the attention of amazon customers after entering the details of the book like catchy title and description etc.

4. Submit and Publish the book

After uploading the cover and details of your book, press submit and preview your book design and layout. Set the price of the book and hit publish button. You want to publish a paper book or kindle ebook it totally depends on you.

It will take more than 24 hours for your published book to become live on amazon. And you will make money with tons of Amazon orders.

Tips for book cover design

When it comes to getting your book cover just right, there are a lot of options and details to consider. To make things easier for you, we’ve put together some tips that can help you create an eye-catching design that sells. Remember, as an author your ultimate goal is to have readers pull out their credit cards and purchase your book!

So let’s start with some important do’s and don’ts when it comes to designing a book cover.


  • Make sure your title stands out on every page of your book.
  • Your name should also be somewhere near or on each page so people know who wrote it.
  • Make sure all spelling and grammar errors are fixed before publication.

Designing a professional quality cover will allow readers to take you seriously as an author—and might even convince them to buy your book!


  • Don’t add clip art, memes, or other elements that distract from your message.
  • Images in general should only be used if they directly relate to what’s being said in a chapter or section. If they don’t directly relate then leave it out!
  • Don’t change fonts more than twice throughout your entire book
  • DON’T… Try too hard to look like everyone else – personal style counts so find something unique that works best for you!

How to price your book on Kindle Publishing

Pricing your book might seem like a tough task. How do you set a price for something that’s basically free? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer.

Amazon uses a royalty-based pricing model, so in order to determine how much you should charge for your e-book or paperback (to avoid negative reviews and low star ratings), you must consider: what similar books are selling for and what your personal hourly rate is.

Promoting your book through Amazon Kindle Search Ads (KSA): Amazon Book Publishing Course

You can boost your sales through Amazon by paying to show your book in search results. If you choose to run a KSA (amazon kindle search ads), you will only be charged when someone clicks on one of your ads (and then takes an action, such as purchasing or browsing more).

When someone clicks on your ad, they’ll be taken directly to your book page on Amazon, where they can purchase it or further investigate. I

n addition to driving immediate sales of digital books, KSA’s drive purchases of complementary products (i.e., other books that readers might buy once they’ve purchased yours) and increase overall page views for all books available in search results.

Learn More!

To learn more about how to promote amazon kindle books click here to join the Amazon book publishing course.

Marketing your book on Amazon: Amazon Book Publishing Course

Once you publish your book on Amazon, don’t simply publish and forget about it. Although using keywords and categories to market your book is important, what’s even more critical is getting reviews from people who have purchased it.

Reviews of three or more stars can make all of the difference in a book’s visibility on Amazon. But in order to get reviews, you need to give people something of value—something they haven’t seen before. That something is called an inside look.

It can be as short as five pages or as long as fifty; it will typically be a section taken directly from your manuscript or a chapter that hasn’t yet been published online or elsewhere.

To know Every hack about marketing the book published on amazon. Join Stefan’s Amazon book publishing course.


Is it free to publish a book on Amazon?

Yes, Amazon publishing is totally free. Amazon will not charge anything for self-publishing. But the printing paperback cost and ebooks delivery costs are there. Amazon will deduct these costs from your royalties.

So how do you set up your book for worldwide distribution?

 You want your book to get into as many hands as possible, so it can help make you money while you sleep. The best way to do that is by publishing your book on Amazon and distributing it through their self-publishing program called KDP Select. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing.

And how can you sell books in other countries using KDP?

One way to expand your reach is by expanding your customer base. And while online bookstores might sell books around the world, Amazon is one of few retailers that lets you list your products for sale on its platform in other countries. And thanks to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), it’s easy.

Enroll in KDP for each country you want to be available in.

Also Read:

  1. How to Delete Orders on Amazon
  2. How to Delete Addresses on Amazon
  3. How to Cancel an Amazon Order
  4. How To Set Up an Amazon Affiliate Store
  5. How to Change Phone Number on Amazon
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